About Villa CA'TOGA

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Villa  CA' TOGA is the residence/studio/retreat of Carlo Marchiori, an artist born in Rossano near Venice in 1937. Internationally known for his period-style murals in various hotels and casinos. He has created an enchanting villa that sings the tune of Palladio, Veronese and Venetian Culture.

On five empty acres, bought in 1987, Marchiori began the recreation of the Italy he left behind as he immigrated to the New World in 1956. On the ground of the villa, Commedia dell’ Arte figures, Pulcinella, Pantalone and Arlecchino, adorn columns and gates in the sculpture courtyard. The Grotto and Roman Theater welcome visitors in the front yard. Toward the rear of the property are Greco-Roman ruins, shady river walk, Thai stupas and a pocket pyramid as well as Roman pool, fountains and hot tub.

In the interior, the villa consists of a main Salone and six large rooms: Pompeiian Room, Library, Greek Room, Birdcage Room, Cow Room and Southwest Room. Each one is a surprise with whimsical theme or classical interpretation of ancient dream. Some murals were painted on large strips of canvas then installed onto the walls. Some rooms got painted directly on the walls (to save canvas) with ladders, scaffoldings and much sore neck!

As to the name Villa—like the trompe l’oeil spaces inside, it may or may not be what it seems. But this is a creation of whimsy and visual delight of Marchiori. Visitors will find themselves in a different world where a sensitive artist has orchestrated art with harmony and nature